Have a Tiny Home that you need delivered or moved to a new location? Rocky Mountain Custom Transport is here to help!
When requesting a quote, please mention the width, length and height of your Tiny Home. Prior to delivery, it's critical to highlight the importance of securing everything you possibly can - and packing up everything you can be transported in your personal vehicle. Large appliances should be strapped down so they can’t slide around, and cabinet doors should be secured with child locks or other restraints. On the outside, you’ll need to secure all the water, sewage, and electric hookups that might dangle or drag beneath the tiny home’s trailer chassis. You’ll also need a trailer license plate and a set of tail lights which will need to be connected to our tow vehicle, for legal and safety reasons while it’s on the road.
Tiny homes are typically built on trailer platforms for easy transport. The maximum width a towable tiny house can be for towing without special permits and equipment is generally 8.5 feet. The vast majority of tiny homes are built with this width in mind, and are 40 feet long at the most and are no more than 13.5 feet tall from the ground to the top of the roof. Anything wider or longer than this will involve special permits. If you have a building that’s larger than 8.5 feet wide and 40 feet long, you’ve probably got a mobile home, not a tiny home. At that point, we are happy to discuss oversize options. Please call or email for further assistance.